How to Childproof Your Pool This Summer

About Me
Building a Pool When You Are Afraid of Water

Hi, my name is Molly, and a few years ago, we built a pool so that our autistic son could receive hydrotherapy at our home. However, as drowning is a common cause of death and injury among kids with autism, it petrified me to build a pool. However, we worked closely with a pool contractor to make sure that it was as safe as possible. I love the result, and although I am always careful and cautious, I am no longer afraid of having a pool. If you want tips and ideas on designing your pool (even if you are afraid of pools or water), you have come to the right place. I hope that this blog helps you.


How to Childproof Your Pool This Summer

18 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

In Australia, children under five account for the largest number of drowning deaths in swimming pools. This is an alarming statistic because many of these accidents could have been prevented. To make your pool as safe as possible this summer, follow these tips. 

Erect a pool fence

A pool fence serves as the first line of defence. Effective pool fences have a few characteristics in common. They are at least 1.2 metres high, have a self-closing gate and are not climbable. For maximum security, consider selecting a pool fence that has a lock or can be locked.        

Get non-slip tiles

No matter how many times you tell them, children will always run around the pool. The edge of the pool is a particularly dangerous area because it is both a high-traffic area and a wet area. To minimise the risk of slipping, it's worth thinking about installing non-slip natural stone tiles. They are grainier and have more grip than conventional mosaic pool tiles.

Add pool alarms

There are two kinds of alarms for the pool. One is for the pool gate and the other is for children to wear on their wrists. Pool gate alarms can be attached to every kind of pool gate, whether it is made of barred metal or glass. The alarm will sound when the latch opens. Wearable alarms can be attached to young children when they are outside. The alarm will sound when a child (with the alarm) is submerged in water.

Include security cameras

Parents are often pulled away to prepare food or run an errand during summer pool parties. You may want to invest in security cameras for the pool area if you know people are going to be distracted when they are required to supervise the pool. Security cameras allow for another set of eyes inside the house, which is only more of a good thing.  

Involve adults

The best way to guarantee that your swimming pool will be childproof is to make sure that young children are well looked after by responsible, involved and alert adults. While this may seem like an obvious measure, it is so often looked over. If no adult is available for supervision, then hire a lifeguard from the local swim school.

These measures may seem over the top, but they are justified given the frequency of pool accidents. Traumatic accidents always seem out of reach until they happen to you. This summer, remember that it is better to be safe than sorry.