Swimming Pool Maintenance | 3 Steps To Eliminate Calcium Deposits From Pool Tiles

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Building a Pool When You Are Afraid of Water

Hi, my name is Molly, and a few years ago, we built a pool so that our autistic son could receive hydrotherapy at our home. However, as drowning is a common cause of death and injury among kids with autism, it petrified me to build a pool. However, we worked closely with a pool contractor to make sure that it was as safe as possible. I love the result, and although I am always careful and cautious, I am no longer afraid of having a pool. If you want tips and ideas on designing your pool (even if you are afraid of pools or water), you have come to the right place. I hope that this blog helps you.


Swimming Pool Maintenance | 3 Steps To Eliminate Calcium Deposits From Pool Tiles

15 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Calcium deposits are likely to develop along the water line of your pool over a period of time, especially if your area receives hard water. These unsightly marks can make the pool seem dirty and uninviting. Calcium deposits produce rough algae-attracting surfaces, which can become slimy and messy. Scouring off these mineral deposits may sound cumbersome, but it is an easy part of your regular swimming pool maintenance and will make your pool look pristine once again. Here are some steps to help you eliminate calcium deposits from pool tiles.

Drain The Pool Below The Stain Line And Apply Pool Tile Cleaner

As part of your regular swimming pool maintenance, drain your swimming pool to reduce the level of the water to a few inches below the calcium stain line. The water level should be lower than the stain line even after you get into the pool to clean the calcium deposits. Once you're in the pool, apply a pool tile cleaner specialising in calcium deposit removal. Look for tile cleaners from home improvement stores with phosphoric acid because this acid breaks through hard water and calcium deposits more easily. Apply this tile cleaner to the stained areas with a lint-free cloth. Use a generous amount of cleaner along the stains. Let this cleaning solution sit on the stain for a few minutes and then scrub it away. 

Scrub The Stained Area With A Hard-Bristle Brush

Dip a large hard-bristle brush into a clean water bucket and start scrubbing firmly over the stained area using a circular action. The cleaner will start foaming up as it cuts through the calcium deposit stains. Make sure you apply some pressure to loosen the calcium stain from the tile surface. After scrubbing, wipe away the cleaning solution using a damp cloth. Rinse this cloth in the bucket before wiping away at the cleaning solution.

Let The Area Dry And Repeat The Process

Let the area around the calcium deposits thoroughly dry before repeating the same process once again. Allowing the area to dry will give you the opportunity to inspect the level of residual calcium deposits. This is because calcium stains may disappear when wet, but will reemerge when the surface has dried. Follow the same process of applying the cleaning solution, scrubbing the stain with a hard-bristle brush and rinsing with a damp cloth. After a few times, you will notice the calcium deposits completely disappearing from your pool tiles.

Follow these swimming pool maintenance steps to eliminate unsightly calcium deposits from your pool tiles.